About Us


Our Mission

Come And See is a faith based teaching and entertainment not for profit corporation established to serve and engage all people and to reflect the love of God as taught in the gospel. It hopes to communicate the word of God to believers that they may be equipped to defend the gospel and proclaim its message of salvation.


Our Vision & What We Believe

Come and See the world and creation from God’s perspective so we can understand Him better.

To show the gospel of Jesus in the old testament through the Tabernacle of Moses, a copy of the Sanctuary in heaven. To show how God revealed Himself to people and preached the gospel to them. God preached the gospel to Abraham, to Moses and to the Israelites. This gospel of Jesus is what was important to God.

1 Corinthians 15


Why Come and See?

Many times we have to turn aside and see to help us understand better. This phrase was used many times in the scripture. The invitation to Nathaniel to come and check out Jesus. The invitation to come and see where Jesus lived. Growing up without a knowledge of the Hebrew culture and traditions which is the platform on which the scriptures are presented, there are many nuances and metaphors, parables and allegories which did not have any meaning for me. The present even more challenges for the younger generation.

Come and See Inc seeks to visually present the preaching of the gospel which God in old testament to various people especially through the Tabernacle of Moses where He dwelled with man. It will to help us understand the life of Jesus and what He accomplished and the coming of the Kingdom of God to complete His plan of dwelling in man as written in Rev. 21:3.