A Timeline of Events

Timeline to Tabernacle

Growing up without a knowledge of the Hebrew culture and traditions which is the platform on which the scriptures are presented, there are many nuances and metaphors, parables and allegories which did not have any meaning for me. They present even more challenges for the younger generation. Come and See Inc seeks to visually present the preaching of the gospel which God in old testament to various people especially through the Tabernacle of Moses where He dwelled with man.

In The Beginning

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul. God spoke to Adam and said he was not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for if he did, he would surely die.

The serpent, who was craftier than any of the creatures that the Lord God had made, came to Eve and asked her, “Did God really say not to eat of any tree in the garden?” Tempted by the serpent’s words, Eve turned her gaze to the forbidden tree. Eve went against God’s command and ate of the fruit of the tree, and shared it with her husband who was with her.

Sin Entered
The Fall

Spilling of Blood
Cain and Abel

After being driven out from the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had two sons: Cain and Abel. In the course of time, Cain and Abel brought offerings to the Lord. The Lord accepted Abel and his offering, but he did not accept Cain or his offering. Realizing this, Cain became very angry. When they were in the field together, Cain turned on his brother Abel, and killed him.

God saw that the people on earth were very wicked. Noah, however, walked with God. God gave instructions to Noah to build an ark. Noah did just as God had commanded him: he gathered all of the animals, his family, and enough food for all of them, and entered the ark. It rained on the earth 40 days and 40 nights.

The Flood (Part 1)

The Flood (Part 2)

The waters began to recede. After a year on the ark, God spoke to Noah, saying “Come out from the ark.” God established His covenant with every living creature on the earth, that never again would all living things be destroyed by a flood. God set his bow in the clouds as a sign of a covenant between Him and the earth.

After the Great Flood, the sons of Noah and their wives began to repopulate the earth. The people settled in the land of Shinar, desiring to make a name for themselves. The Lord came down to see their city and their tower. God said, “Come, let Us go down and confuse their language.” So, the Lord scattered the people all over the earth, and the building of the city and the tower stopped.

Different Languages
Towel of Babel


Abram and Lot separated. In Canaan, God spoke to Abram saying, “All the land you see I will give to you and your descendants forever.” Four kings warred against five and the victors took Lot captive. Abram gathered 318 trained men, pursued the armies, and brought back his nephew. After this, Melchizedek blessed Abram.

Jacob continued toward Canaan, and as he journeyed, he was met by the angels of God, and he exclaimed, “This is God’s camp!” Jacob became afraid after hearing that Esau was approaching with 400 men, so he divided his camp and prayed to God. A Man appeared to Jacob and the two began to wrestle. The Man blessed Jacob and changed his name to Israel. The next day, Jacob saw Esau approach. Esau ran toward Jacob and embraced him.

A Change
Jacob to Israel

In The Beginning

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul. God spoke to Adam and said he was not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for if he did, he would surely die.

Sin Entered
The Fall

The serpent, who was craftier than any of the creatures that the Lord God had made, came to Eve and asked her, “Did God really say not to eat of any tree in the garden?” Tempted by the serpent’s words, Eve turned her gaze to the forbidden tree. Eve went against God’s command and ate of the fruit of the tree, and shared it with her husband who was with her.

Spilling of Blood
Cain and Abel

After being driven out from the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had two sons: Cain and Abel. In the course of time, Cain and Abel brought offerings to the Lord. The Lord accepted Abel and his offering, but he did not accept Cain or his offering. Realizing this, Cain became very angry. When they were in the field together, Cain turned on his brother Abel, and killed him.

The Flood (Part 1)

God saw that the people on earth were very wicked. Noah, however, walked with God. God gave instructions to Noah to build an ark. Noah did just as God had commanded him: he gathered all of the animals, his family, and enough food for all of them, and entered the ark. It rained on the earth 40 days and 40 nights.

The Flood (Part 2)

The waters began to recede. After a year on the ark, God spoke to Noah, saying “Come out from the ark.” God established His covenant with every living creature on the earth, that never again would all living things be destroyed by a flood. God set his bow in the clouds as a sign of a covenant between Him and the earth.

Different Languages
Towel of Babel

After the Great Flood, the sons of Noah and their wives began to repopulate the earth. The people settled in the land of Shinar, desiring to make a name for themselves. The Lord came down to see their city and their tower. God said, “Come, let Us go down and confuse their language.” So, the Lord scattered the people all over the earth, and the building of the city and the tower stopped.


Abram and Lot separated. In Canaan, God spoke to Abram saying, “All the land you see I will give to you and your descendants forever.” Four kings warred against five and the victors took Lot captive. Abram gathered 318 trained men, pursued the armies, and brought back his nephew. After this, Melchizedek blessed Abram.

A Change
Jacob to Israel

Jacob continued toward Canaan, and as he journeyed, he was met by the angels of God, and he exclaimed, “This is God’s camp!” Jacob became afraid after hearing that Esau was approaching with 400 men, so he divided his camp and prayed to God. A Man appeared to Jacob and the two began to wrestle. The Man blessed Jacob and changed his name to Israel. The next day, Jacob saw Esau approach. Esau ran toward Jacob and embraced him.